photo taken in Bruges, Belgium during my study abroad adventure fall of 2011 |
>> you would know that I am cheesy, a romantic, & cry way too easily - seriously.
>> you would know that I care about people & want everyone to know how beautiful they are.
>> you would know that I am a dreamer & a believer that my dreams lined up with God's will, will come true.
>> you would know that I have big dreams.
>> you would know that I speak without thinking a lot of times.
>> you would know that I love back rubs and head scratches.
>> you would know that I believe in true friendship and have about 13 "best friends" they each have their own special place in my heart and I try my very best to make sure that they know that.
>> you would know that I absolutely hate zits! who doesn't?
>> you would know that I love soft bread, cheese, and dipping sauces (specifically ketchup & bleu cheese).
>> you would know that birthdays are a big deal...speaking of which, my 21st is coming up real fast :)
>> you would know that I'm so excited to have a family of my own someday, whatever that may look like.
>> you would know that words of affirmation are a big deal to me.
>> you would know that i am sensitive.
>> you would know that I believe smiling is always appropriate.
>> you would know that I struggled with my weight & exercising to maintain the small figure I was blessed with for the first two years of college. The "freshman 15" scared me to death so I ran too far in the opposite direction. I never had an eating disorder just some very disordered eating that sucked joy from my life. God radically transformed my "thoughts" this past year on my study abroad trip. It is quite the slippery slope for so many women & something very close to my heart.
>> you would know that I have a tough time focusing while watching a movie because I feel like I could be out changing the world, but instead I am sitting on my butt eating popcorn.
>> you would know that I didn't like popcorn until probably college, but nowadays Lee & I can be seen with the largest bucket possible at each movie we go to.
>> you would know that I do not like breaking rules or being rebellious of any sort. I am whole heartedly a goodytwoshoes.
>> you would know that I cried at my hunter safety test & usually still cry with Lee whenever we go practice shooting the gun at the target in the days before the hunt.
>> you would know that I cannot listen to what someone is saying and text at the same time and do not believe anyone that thinks they can.
>> you would know that I love conversation & getting to know the many different people of this world.
>> you would know that I like to cook only when I know I am good at the recipe, which is why I plan to have a chef in my future home.
>> you would know that I don't like doing things wrong.
>> you would know that I am a Mac lover for life.
>> you would know that I was blessed with a brain and good (schoolwise) memory - school is & was very easy for me.
>> you would also know that I cannot remember movie quotes to save my life (that's Lee's area of expertise).
>> you would know that I am a girly girl.
>> you would know that I am afraid of blood, but once thought I could be a nurse?!
>> you would know that perfection is my enemy.
>> you would know that I love snuggling.
>> you would know that I love to love and be loved.
>> you would know that I just love love & weddings & romantical things.
>> you would know that I can't stand goodbyes.
>> you would know that I love sleeping in.
>> you would know that I love being quirky with my clothing choices.
>> you would know that I take forever in the grocery store thinking of all of the tasty treats I could make.
>> you would know that I have pointy ears, but no I do not know what you are getting for christmas (a kid in the 1st grade seemed to wonder that very question, but got sent to the principal's office for asking ha).
>> you would know that I constantly pray for protection over my worries & fears.
>> you would know that I was never as talkative as I am today, but slowly worked myself out of my childhood shyness.
>> you would know that I am a very devoted person.
>> you would know that I love wearing camo & adventuring on hunts with Lee because it is what he loves to do.
>> you would know that I love being kissed on the forehead.
>> you would know that I wash most all of my dishes by hand.
>> you would know that I don't believe that anyone should live a boring life & do not plan to myself.
If I really knew you what is it that I would learn?