1/ Colorful Sharpies
2/ Sequins or confetti
3/ Scissors
4/ Chevron ribbon
5/ Plain colored cards & Envelopes
6/ String of your choice
7/ Hearts cut from fabric in the shade of bridesmaid dress color
8/ Washi tape
9/ Glue
I knew that I wanted to craft up a special way to ask my beautiful friends to be a part of the big day ever since I pinned this pin here! So here you have it - a very simple DIY card with a hand written message to each of them. & now you all know the color I have chosen for their dresses...mustard yellow! I cut out a heart shaped piece of mustard fabric, glued it into the card, & told them that this would be the color of the dresses, but that I wanted each one to be unique and summery (if that's even a word?!) I have fallen hard for mustard in probably the last year and couldn't imagine the day any other way. The sequins were the final touch, placed inside the card in a big messy pile so that as they each opened them up a little mini confetti party would take place. The only hard part about asking in this manner was waiting for what seemed like forever to actually "ask them". I am so not good with surprises, but it was well worth the wait.
How did you ask your bridesmaids to be a part of your wedding day?! I would love to hear...