Thursday, November 1, 2012

A "Guess Who" Halloween

image taken from here
For those of you who have never played the game, you are missing out and should read no further (haha kidding), but as you can see Lee & I were characters from the Guess Who game board.  He picked the name Alfred, but looks nothing like the character Alfred in the picture above (fifth from the left in the back row).  He had to have a "sweet" name, so he's named Alfred but is more of a mixture of Alex and Tom. And of course I was Maria.

Now, for those of you that did play you must remember always hoping and praying that your opponent was a girl for the easy win - am I right?  Hmmm 19 men to 5 ladies, why they didn't place more women on the board to even out the playing field we will never know?

Both shirts, fabric paint, lee's mustache, the green fabric for my hat, string, and tag board cost roughly $20.  All of it was found at Wal-Mart. It didn't take very long to throw it all together either. It's so fun to see everyone's inner creativity shine on the 31st of October. Until next year, with love,  Maria & Alfred.

*UPDATE// We ended up winning $100 from an online DIY halloween costume contest that I entered us in for the fun of it. The instructions and post I wrote to win can be found here!


  1. I am in love with this and want to copy it...I found it on pinterest. I have a halloween party next weekend (I know, we're doing it after the fact - HA)...can I pay you for the supplies? I would seriously love if you would mail them to me and I would totally pay via paypal or something...let me know what you think.

    If you'd rather not sell, please help - how did you make the tag board things? What font did you use or how did you make the letters? My email is jkconte at if you don't mind helping me! :)

  2. Hey lady! I've tagged you in a post of mine! Here is the link to it:


  3. i love the idea of the costume, i saw this pic posted somewhere too
    i am just wondering how u got the tag boards to stay on with that string? it didnt just fall off?

    1. the string was stapled to the sides of the tag board and then sat tightly on top of each of our heads. it was by no means a breeze to walk around with we had to concentrate to keep them up, but it was definitely not impossible. it sat easier on my head since the hat acted as traction. we just found the "sweet spots" when moving about.

  4. I would like to know how to do the letters for this! Can you email me ASAP? Thanks so much! :)

    1. Hi! I would love the letters too! Is there anyway someone could email me the letters? Thank you!

  5. What font did you use for the letters?

  6. I love this!!! Could you email me the instructions for the letters too? I want to create this for tonight, so if you get this in time, that'd be so wonderful!

  7. Can you email me the font used

  8. What size of tag board did you use?
